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This is my personal blog for web development. It’s not finished yet, but it’s sort of happening.
Contact me if you would like to get in touch.
Thursday, 2nd September 2021 in Web
At some point, you will need to run some sort of local web server either to test or to develop your code.
More: simple-web-server
Tuesday, 9th June 2020 in PHP
Here will look at how to process a zip file full of individual files.
More: php-upload-zip
Friday, 31st May 2019 in Web
For local Web Development, it is useful to be able to emulate a live web site, complete with a Domain Name. This article discusses setting up a Virtual Host on your local server.
More: virtual-hosts
Saturday, 27th April 2019 in CSS
Using CSS to Produce Tables with Fixed Headers and Scrolling Bodies
More: fixed-header-table
Wednesday, 17th April 2019 in PHP in SQL
Working with Dates & Times in SQLite, and, possibly, PHP
More: sqlite-dates
Thursday, 21st February 2019 in CSS in HTML
Using HTML5 & CSS3, how to make a form which is friendly, but which also validates user data.
More: self-validating-forms
Monday, 18th September 2017 in PHP in Web
Sometimes it is convenient to “fake” a file — the user has requested a file, but it it needs to be generated or processed before it is sent out.
More: custom-file-handler
Sunday, 13th August 2017 in CSS in JavaScript
Web Forms typically use the special `password` type for password inputs. This hides the password from every body, but unfortunately includes the user. This looks at how to temporarily show the password if the user wants.
More: show-form-passwords
Sunday, 13th August 2017 in SQL
SQL includes `null`, which is used to indicate __no value__. The problem is that it doesn’t explain _why_ there is no value. Where we look at adding more meaning to `null` to allow for optional data.
More: sql-optional-data
Sunday, 13th August 2017 in SQL
SQL Server is normally to be found only on Windows environments. However, it is possible to install a working version of SQL Server on a Macintosh.
More: sql-server-macintosh
Tuesday, 11th July 2017 in PHP
Website owners who maintain user details have a great responsibility. Apart from keeping the database safe and sound, you will have to ensure that user passwords are kept safe and secure.
More: php-passwords
Saturday, 23rd January 2016 in Web
In Principal, you can set up a Web Server by individually finding and installing the appropriate packages. In practice, you might prefer to install one of the pre-packaged versions.
More: local-web-server
Friday, 8th January 2016 in CSS
Navigation is one of the key elements in all modern web sites, and making the navigation look attractive and familiar is going to be an important part of your web design.
More: web-menus
Saturday, 24th October 2015 in JavaScript
An object is a package or collection of data. This data may be simple, such as strings and numbers, or it may be more complex. In particular, the object can also contain other objects.
More: javascript-objects
Saturday, 24th October 2015 in HTML
Much has been said about the merits of Responsive Websites, and, for the most part, rightly so. The benefits of building a website which can cope with the plethora of alternative browsing devices must surely be obvious to any developer.
More: responsive-javascript
Saturday, 24th October 2015 in CSS
HTML tables, when correctly used, can contain many rows and columns of data. If the table is large enough, designers often wish to highlight rows to make them easier to read.
More: zebra-tables
Friday, 23rd October 2015 in HTML
If you’ve been secluded under a rock for the past decade, lost on a desert island, kidnapped by aliens or in a coma, you may have missed the news about HTML5. The news is that it’s here, mostly.
More: html5-alive
Friday, 23rd October 2015 in JavaScript
One of the most important aspects of using JavaScript is responding to user events. When the user clicks on something, types something or even sits and stares, it is possible for JavaScript to respond.
More: javascript-event-handlers
Friday, 23rd October 2015 in JavaScript
If you come from a different programming or scripting language, you probably thought you knew all about functions. However, JavaScript has a few surprises for you which may confuse or delight you, depending on what you had in mind.
More: javascript-functions
Friday, 23rd October 2015 in HTML
Images are one of the most important visual elements of a web page. Here we look at what’s involved in preparing images for the Web.
More: web-images
Monday, 5th October 2015 in CSS
Two of the most difficult things to get right in a responsive design are images and tables. By their very nature, they tend to occupy a certain amount of space, and it is often difficult to work out what to do if the screen is to small to accommodate the whole figure.
More: responsive-tables
Thursday, 17th September 2015 in JavaScript
If you haven’t heard of JavaScript Closures, then you’re in for some good news and some good news and some bad news. Roughly speaking, closures describe how JavaScript variables are inherited in nested functions.
More: javascript-closures
Friday, 25th July 1986 in JavaScript in CSS in HTML
An important technique is simply to be able to turn property on or off. Once you have done this, you can perform a lot of additional magic using CSS.
More: toggling-attributes
Sunday, 16th February 2025